Wednesday, October 22, 2008

timing and planning of children

I just have to add one more opinion on this issue (and I'll add some Christian links on this topic soon). Joshua and I lean towards the quiverfull beliefs of children being an amazing blessing from God, and we believe that God is more qualified than we are to decide when to bless a family with a child. Joshua and I would not want to prevent a beautiful life from coming into this world because of our personal comfort or preferences. But, of course, each situation is unique and requires you to pray about it and spend time with God so He can let you know His plans for blessing your family in the way He desires. Overall in our society, people seem to wait for perfect finances and schedules and all that stuff that really shouldn't matter when considering the value of the life of a child. It seems that many couples choose to wait a certain number of years before wanting children, but what if you're fertile now and won't be in five years? If you feel like it's not time to have a baby, make sure you're spending enough time in conversation with God about it so that you know it's not your own worldly desires that are preventing you from possibly experiencing the amazing blessing that children bring.

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